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Private Xunantunich Ride

Duration of Tour is Approximately 4-5 hours (unlimited)

Tour Description:


Your PRIVATE Xunantunich riding tour guarantees your riding tour for your party only. Our guide will meet you at your hotel at the time you choose (7:30am OR 8:30am), you will be driven to our St Leonard's Stable where your weight will be confirmed and you will be fitted to your horse. Once your guide/wrangler has given you instructions as to how to mount; manage & control your horse you will then ride through open savannah, river side trails, jungle trails on your way to a modern day Mayan village of SAN JOSE SUCCOTZ, where you will dismount at the small hand cranked ferry before crossing the Mopan River. You will exit the ferry: lead your horses out of the ferry and once on solid ground you will once again mount your horses and ride for another approx. 1 mile to Xunantunich. At Xunantunich your guide will take you on a tour of the site at your pace and your interest (anytime from 1 - 3 hours guided tour) After your guided tour of Xunantunich you will ride back to our St Leonard's stable and then driven to a local restaurant in San Jose Succotz, for your lunch. (NB: You will have the choice of NOT RIDING back to our Stable if you choose to)


For cancellation of a tour, click here.

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